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We're here to help

Our recruiters are assigned by geographic market or specialized audience. .

Kim McCarty talks with school counselors during our Ask Us Anything counselor event held in February 2019.

How to Connect with Us

Schedule a visit or online session

Contact your regional recruiter for in-person or virtual opportunities, such as:

Request a counselor kit

Complete our to receive a Mountaineer Counselor Kit.

Learn more about 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ

Can't find what you are looking for? Check our additional student resources or .

Did you know? We have also collected our resources for students who are still exploring schools, admitted students and their families.

Resources for Students

Our most commonly requested information.

Application Fee Waivers

Students who visit campus (through one of our ) or who meet one of the following criteria are eligible for an application fee waiver:

  • Received or is eligible to receive an ACT or SAT testing fee waiver.
  • Enrolled in a federal, state or local program that aids students from low-income families (Upward Bound or GEAR UP, for example).
  • Lives in federally subsidized housing, a foster home or is homeless.
  • Enrolled in or eligible to participate in the federal free or reduced lunch program.
  • The family receives public assistance.
  • Can provide a supporting statement from a school official, college access counselor, financial aid counselor or community leader.
  • Annual family income falls within the income guidelines set by the USDA food and nutrition service.
  • A ward of the state.

Students can simply check the qualifying reason on the 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ Application or Common Application.

Please contact your if you have concerns about a student who doesn’t automatically qualify for a fee waiver. Those who have visited campus and need a waiver code should also contact their 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ regional recruiter.

How to Enter a Fee Waiver

Career Pathways and Choosing a Major

51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ has available for students. Students are strongly encouraged to apply into their major of choice since 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ Admissions will review a student’s application for their major first. If a student does not earn admission to their major, 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ Admissions will review the student’s file for an undecided major.

Help your student check out all of our career pathways! Visit the page and click on the desired pathway to learn about the possibilities on our campus.

Is your student interested in knowing what their academic experience could look like throughout their years on campus? Visit the and click on a major so they can explore academic opportunities, student organizations, living-learning communities, popular courses and careers.

Forms for Admitted Students

Does your student need to change their major after applying? Want to defer their admission? Would you like to sign off on a fee waiver? There’s an online form for that!

Information for Underclassmen

For younger students and their families, our Career Pathway and Parent/Family info pages are great places to discover ideas for majors and start becoming familiar with the college application process.

Important Dates and Information

Help your students stay on track for enrollment.

Important Dates

  • December: FAFSA available and Housing Application opens
  • March 1: FAFSA Priority Deadline for 2025-2026
  • April: Honors College Application Deadline
  • June-July: New Student Orientation
  • August 1: Students must be admitted by August 1 to qualify for merit scholarships. Test scores and GPA information submitted for already admitted students is not automatically applied to merit.


  • (for applicants and admits)
  • (for admits)


  • FAFSA School Code: 003827
  • SAT Code: 5904
  • ACT Code: 4540
  • TOEFL Code: 5904

Have questions? Feedback? A request for how we can better serve you? Contact the and tell us more!